Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Colors of food and nutrition. (Infographics)

American food guide of 2011. Foods according to color variety and classification. Different colored food contains different remarks. Choosing food by below color is a guideline.

Source: http://blog.visual.ly/improve-your-eating-habits-with-5-infographics-on-nutrition/

Why Carbohydrate matters to you? (Infographics)

Over the last 10 years, opinions have ranged wildly on carbohydrates. Some diets promote carbs as healthy, while others shun them. So are carbohydrates good or bad? The short answer is they're both.
Click on image to enlarge

Source: http://blog.visual.ly/improve-your-eating-habits-with-5-infographics-on-nutrition/

Vegan diet can improve your weight & prevent diseases (Infographic)

A vegan diet is healthy and simple. If a slim waistline, lots of energy and a reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer have you wondering if a vegan diet is for you, find all your answers here!

Click the image to enlarge
Source: http://blog.visual.ly/improve-your-eating-habits-with-5-infographics-on-nutrition/

Nutrition Evolution in America (Infographic)

Over the years, the official statements on what a nutritionally balanced diet entails have shifted and continually developed. The standard American Diet - What most people actually eat compare to what they are supposed to eat - doesn't always reflect the nutritional ideals experts have in place. Let's take a look at our official nutrition history and see what we can learn from it:

Source: http://thumbnails.visually.netdna-cdn.com/what-we-think-vs-what-we-do-americas-nutritional-evolution_502914b93e6e8_w618.jpg